Welcome to the

beeTXC Spelling Bee

Enjoy the bee23 Livestream Replays

Now…. Get Ready for the beeTXC 2024!

(Details Below)

A Special Thanks to Our Event Sponsors!

Event Details

  • When: Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024

    • 3rd-5th: 9:30 - 11:30 am (Live-streaming at 8:45 am)

    • 6th-8th: 12:15 - 2:15 pm (Live-streaming at 11:30 am)

    • 9th - 12th: 3:00 - 4:15 pm (Live-streaming at 2:15 pm)

  • Where:

    • Participating schools & their invited guests: Burton Adventist Academy (Hayes Gymnasium)

    • All other guests: Streaming Online

  • Cost: FREE to Participants & Participating Schools

  • Parking: On-site parking will be provided, with shuttle service to and from the nearby Arlington SDA Church as needed

  • Food: While food for participants and chaperones is included in the event, concessions will be available for all other guest to enjoy throughout the day.

  • Event Attendance: Unless you have been invited as a designated guest by a participating school, we are excited to offer a continuous livestream (here on this page, Youtube, and Facebook) of the event hosted by local personalities, featuring guests from each school along with our very own Associate Superintendents of Education from the TX Conference of Seventh-day Adventists!

  • Current-Year Scholarships:

    • Current-year scholarships in the amount of $500 (1st), $300 (2nd), & $200 (3rd) in each level of competition (That’s money for the school bill this year!)

  • SWAU Scholarships:

    • SWAU scholarship awards in the amount of $1,000 (1st), $500 (2nd), & $250 (3rd) in each level of competition

Event Coordinators

Aaron Long


Participating School Resources

The DFW area-wide spelling bee event will serve as the culmination to local school-level spelling bees, for which resources and preparation materials are provided below. This includes word lists and an organizational guide. As a lead up to the event, medals will be sent out to each participating school to award to their grade-level winners (grades 3-12), who will then serve as the school representatives at the area-wide event (one representative from each grade level). Students will compete as individuals at the area-wide event.

Lunch will be provided to all participants and school staff/chaperones (via the concession stand in the Hayes Gymnasium), and will be available for purchase by any additional guests. Schools will be allotted up to 30 additional guest seats per school in addition to their bee participants and chaperones, which may be comprised of additional student spectators, parents, or other guests as each school sees fit.

The event will be live-streamed (via Youtube and Facebook). The livestream will be hosted by local community personalities and feature highlight interviews from each participating school, participants, and area community members. There will be three separate live streams (1 for each competition level) which will kick off shortly before the start of each competition.

Participants and chaperones will be provided complimentary T-shirts, which will promote the event on the front, and recognize the sponsor of the event on the back (Texas Conference Office of Education).

Arrival and Departure Times:

  • 3rd - 5th Grade: Arrival Time- 8:45-9:00 am/Departure Time- 11:15 am

  • 6th - 8th Grade: Arrival Time- 10:30-11:00 am/Departure Time- 1:45 pm

  • 9th - 12th Grade: Arrival Time- 1:15-1:45 pm/Departure Time- 3:45 pm

  • Arriving Early/Departing Late: We understand that some schools don’t have the luxury of coming in separate groups, and every effort will be made to accommodate those situations.

Additional resources and preparation steps are provided below (For school staff only):

  1. Review the Classroom Spelling Bee Rules & Guide

  2. Designate a school-level event coordinator to serve as a point of contact

  3. Contact Jacelin Cadet to request the official word list to be used if you haven’t yet received a copy

  4. Schedule your local school-level spelling bee for some time in October

  5. Complete the School Info Form to officially register your school and allows medals to be shipped for awarding at your local school-level bee

  6. Encourage students to study & prepare

  7. Host your school-level/classroom-level spelling bee

  8. Help your classroom-level winners complete the Participant Form no later than October 31

  9. Review and share the DFW Area-Wide Bee Rules with participants and chaperones

  10. Determine who will be invited from your school (up to 30 additional guests comprised of parents, students, special guests, etc.) to attend the live event

  11. Help share the live event stream with interested parties to tune in to the fun!

  12. Show up on competition day ready for a good time!