Elementary Hub
Welcome to the home of the Blue Angels. I would like to thank you for choosing Burton Adventist Academy. It is so exciting to begin a new school year. We get to reconnect with the students from years past and meet new students.
We have a great group of teachers that are willing to work hard to bring out the best in your child. You will receive classroom notes from your child’s teacher each week and Mrs. Martinsen will also send out school newsletters twice a month to your email.
I am honored to serve as principal of BAA. It is truly a privilege to be a part of a community where parents, teachers and students care for each other and strive to build positive relationships that support academic, social and spiritual growth. Please feel free to contact me at ellen.thomas@burtonacademy.org.
Ms. Ellen Thomas, Principal
Classroom Wish Lists
Helpful tips to start the year:
Each student needs their own closed-top water bottle. Please make sure to label it.
Please provide a box or two of Kleenex for your student’s classroom.
Please label all of your student’s uniforms and items.
Providing an extra change of uniforms in your student’s back for this “oops” moments is helpful.
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade