A 1 to 1 iPad School
Burton Adventist Academy is a 1 to 1 iPad school. The school supplies iPads via iPad carts to our Pre-K through 3rd Grade students, and beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, students in the 4th Grade through 12th Grade will be supplied with an iPad, keyboard case and pencil by Burton Adventist Academy. Additional details are shared below along with the official iPad Policy.
Annual Technology Fees (2022-2023 School Year)
Pre-K - Grade 3: $50
Grades 4-5: $200
Grades 6-8: $265
Grades 9-12: $315
iPad Plan & Policy Highlights
Students in grades 4-12 will receive:
64GB iPad (9th Gen) 10.2-inch screen
Logitech Rugged Combo 3 keyboard case
Logitech Crayon stylus
Apple Charging block
Apple Charging cable
Four years of AppleCare+ (iPad only)
All apps will be purchased and pushed by the BAA IT department as students will not have access to the Apple app store
Students in grades 6-12 will either receive an e-book or access to the required textbook on their iPad as part of the technology fee (Physical textbooks may still be purchased at each family’s preference and discretion at the expense of the family)
RFID tags will be used to help identify and locate student devices (iPad, case and stylus)
Two incidents per year of accidental damage to the iPad (with a $0 deductible) will be provided via AppleCare+, with additional incidents becoming the student and family’s financial responsibility
Accidental damage to, or loss of, the stylus ($65) and the iPad case ($110) will be the responsibility of the student/family
iPads (and all provided accessories) will be issued to students at the start of school and will be required to be checked-in prior to summer break
iPads will be replaced on a 4 year cycle (regardless of how long a particular students has held the specific device)
iPads will benefit from 24/7 content filtering whether on campus or off campus