Burton Uniform Options and Requirements

  • Before shopping for uniforms, it is important to understand the Burton Dress Code Policy. You can find the full policy here.

  • 1.) Uniforms may be purchased at Lonestar Team Gear. See info and link below.

    2.) Resale uniforms may be purchased from our Home and School run veggie food store which is typically open on Thursday afternoons. Availability varies. See info below for more details.

    3.) Selected items (non-logo items) may be purchased elsewhere when matching the color and style of items sold by Lonestar Team Gear. Please read full policy linked above if opting to purchase elsewhere.

    • Please note that all students must purchase a blue Burton polo with the Burton logo which is used for field trips. (Plain blue polos are not allowed)

    • PE Apparel (Grades 5-12)


Lonestar Team Gear

To purchase new Burton Uniforms and dress code compliant clothing items, please visit Lonestar Team Gear’s website below and choose from the various options. Please keep in mind that any clothing items purchased elsewhere must match the color and styles offered by Lonestar Team Gear.

3301-A Pleasant Valley Lane

Arlington, TX 76015

(682) 270-8316


Burton Resale Shop

You may also visit the Burton Resale Shop operated by Home and School located behind Building A near the baseball field. It is typically open Thursday afternoons from 3:00 - 6:30 pm. Please check the calendar before visiting by clicking the link below to make sure the store is open. Credit cards are accepted.